Sunday, April 24, 2011

The Golden Egg Tournament

 My grandmother's teeth

My family is unique. I fit right in...and that says a lot.

Today was the Golden Egg Tournament, held every Easter. My family meets to play mini-golf. I was the Biggest Loser with a score of 70. I would like to qualify that pathetic score with the fact that I rode my bike 80 miles yesterday and 55 miles this morning. My body could not perform another physical feat if I really wanted to. I am pleased that I gave Aunt Jewbutt the honor of best improved and her first year not being the Biggest Loser!
My team - no idea why my body is contorted

The Biggest Loser

The Winner (for the second time...I smell a cheater!).  A new tradition was added this year and the winner of The Golden Egg Tournament must wear his (or her) crown to all family functions.  Kenny is getting married this year.....hahahaha...

To some this may just be a silly tradition in my crazy family. But when we all gather together for events like this I am reminded of how blessed I am to have a family that is loving (although we don't always express it in the most loving ways) and will be there for one another no matter what. We are all different in our own ways, but we have lots of fun together and make each other laugh. On days like today, I am proud to be a Nelson. And even though my grandmother is rolling over in her grave as her teeth appeared in the form of an Easter basket andmy grandfather is laughing along with us; I know that they can be proud of fostering a loving family.

I am truly blessed to be a Nelson.

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